Challenging projects are always interesting to quote and even more exciting to produce. We were recently contacted by an ad agency in Minnesota to help them complete a promotional project for one of their clients. The project consisted of producing 25,000 decks of custom playing cards with a custom tuck box. In addition, we printed an insert letter for a mailing of the card decks to over 10,000 locations.
The challenge was to complete this project, within a strict budget, in 7 work days or less. Normally, a project
like this would require two weeks or more to produce.
After checking with our production and scheduling departments, we decided that if the files were presented properly and in a timely manner, we would be able to meet the deadline.
We needed to know the weight of each deck, in order to determine what the cost per unit would be for postage; select the type of mail service to use; and review the zip code list as this also determines the postage cost.
We realized that to keep postage cost within budget, we would need to use a lighter weight paper for the cards and the tuck box.This would insure the weight would be within the parameters of our budget and the USPS cost structure.
Our pre-press department received the files on a Thursday, there were issues with the client's files that had to be resolved before we could begin production.
We produced a proof within 4 hours sent it to our client for approval. The next day,Friday, we went to press.
On Friday afternoon the sheets for the cards and the sheets for the boxes were off press, and the diecutting machines were prepared for an early start on Monday morning.
Production was right on schedule Monday and the cards, boxes and letters were all completed by Wednesday morning.
While the card and box production was underway, the client's mailing list had been reviewed and had gone through NCOA to check for accurate addresses and a better postage rate.
On Wednesday the envelopes were addressed and sorted. By the afternoon, completed decks of cards and letters were being inserted and made ready for mailing.
On Friday morning the project was completed and mailed. Per our agreement with our client, we made the deadline and were within budget.
Challenges like this and the feelings of accomplishment are always exciting.
We are proud of the fact that we were able to keep our promise and make another client happy.